Saturday, June 16, 2012

Creative Gift Wrapping: Thinking Outside the Roll

     Newspaper can actually provide a creative and fun medium for wrapping gifts. The bow is what really makes the presentation complete (instructions below). I think this style makes a great option for gift wrapping for men, who are generally not as impressed with a lot of frills in presentation. It could also be a frugal way of wrapping if need be. I think the newspaper made a superb gift wrap for this year's Father's Day gift.  

Create a Paper Bow

Wrap gift as normal, but with a sheet of newspaper. Then cut several (12-15) 1" strips of newspaper, and several (12-15) more strips of colored paper 1/2" in width. A sales circular generally provides a more colorful bow to set it apart from the text of the newspaper wrapping. 

Form a ring with the strips.

Bring the back to the front and tape/glue/stable to join. 

Using a needle and thread, pierce the center of each folded strip and begin stacking them while alternating the sales circular pieces and colored paper pieces. 

Use the same colored paper to create a little tag. Finished!



  1. This is so stinking creative!!! I would've never thought of the paper bow thing.
    I'm totally going to do this - looks beautiful!

    I've surfed on in from a pause on the path and so glad I did! Thanks for taking the time to write up this tutorial.

    Patty from

  2. What a cute idea! Thanks for sharing instructions. I agree - it would be great to wrap a man's gift in this way.

  3. I remember as a kid sometimes wrapping gifts in the newspaper comics when we ran out of paper, but now that I think about it...they looked kind of cute. And I love the newsprint--would be great for a gift for a writer. Thanks for giving me some fresh ideas. And thanks for linking up with B&BB. I'm praying you have a great week!

  4. Man I wish I would have come across this on Friday! I needed a special bow for a gift - I'm so pinning this so I can find it quickly next time I need it.

    Marissa @


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